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What Does Turnaround Time Actually Mean?

Our turnaround time on standard orders is 10 working days. Although we try our best to accommodate last minute and rush orders a lot of work goes into getting your design from digital image or mock up to box of t-shirts at your door. Here’s a breakdown of everything that happens during that time.

1. Artwork Separation

When screen printing each colour in a design requires its own screen. Most of the time designs are sent to us as a flat image file which means our artworker has to separate the colours, even if we receive layered or separated files we still have to tweak them to make sure they’ll print well. Once each layer is finished it’s printed onto a clear film ready for…


2. Screen Preparation

This step involves firstly coating each screen in a photosensitive emulsion. Once this has dried the screen is paced on top of the film in our exposure unit and blasted with UV light and finally washed out to remove all the positive areas of the design.


3. Garment Ordering

At this stage we will also order in any garments we need to complete the order from one of our suppliers.


4. Ink Mixing

Pretty self explanatory but this can take some time particularly if the requested colour isn’t Pantone matched.


5. Proofing

Before we charge full steam ahead into a run we have to make sure that everything works as expected and the final result looks like the spec. If there are any issues this is the point at which we’ll give you a call to discuss possible solutions.


6. Production

The run is screen printed. If you ordered an additional service such as re-labelling or embroidery this will happen during this stage too.


7. Packing and Posting

Everything is checked through by our dispatch department. If you also paid for folding and bagging this will be done before the everything is placed in boxes and shipped to you via courier. 
