Meet the Maker with The Fandangoe Kid

We’re really excited to kick off our series of Meet the Maker workshops with graphic artist The Fandangoe Kid. Her bold typographical paste ups championing self love and empowerment have adorned the walls of Peckham Levels as part of a series of commissions and we cant wait to welcome her into 3rd Rail Print Space.


The Fandangoe Kid is a visual artist who challenges taboo subject matters through large scale narrative driven graphic installations. Following an enormous loss of family in 2011, her work focuses on tackling complex emotional taboos, telling honest yet tongue-in-cheek anecdotal stories about the human condition. She has created work on loss, survival and ritual for the Turner Prize series of events in Hull City of Culture 2017, two installations for Peckham Levels and is currently making a series of short films with director Tara Darby.

To Celebrate positive attitudes to mental health, the Fandangoe Kid and Tara Darby made a giant wall installation with Hackney teenagers. It aims to show young people that they’re not alone when it comes to their mental health.

This Installation looked at the role of strength and resilience within young people and invited them to respond to the work with their own paste up.

About our Workshop

After designing your own dating rule you will be shown how to create a paper cut screen printing stencil which will be used to print up a mini edition to take home, frame and display proudly. Each person attending the workshop will also be invited to participate in a group exhibition at Peckham Levels where their finished poster will be displayed alongside the work of The Fandangoe Kid.

Keep up to date with the Fandangoe Kid on her:


