Brain Bomb – Drew Millward

Here’s a sneak peek of Drew’s beer label design for our upcoming exhibition, Artist Beer Visions


“Brainbomb Double WTF IPA – 9.5%

A mind blowing, West Coast Style, Double WTF?! IPA. The WTF Stands for WHAT THE FUCK?!. It’s that good!

Deep, rich tones make it look like a hangover piss, but definitely isn’t made with any type of piss. Definitely not!

Imagine waking up in a dew covered pine forest, only to discover you have won the lottery, while drinking a carton of UmBongo. That’s right! Pine aroma, followed by a huge hoppy hit of tropical fruit flavours, and the sensation that literally everything in the world is going to be alright.

It will blow your fucking mind box.

Not a beverage to be taken on lightly, this stuff will make you see into the future. There is a chance you might even sprout wings and fly, like the beautiful, majestic eagle that you truly are inside. I once saw a man drink a bottle of this, then solve some serious maths! Like some sort of ‘Good Will Hunting’ type shit! He then went on to punch a leopard in the throat, but I’m not sure the beer had anything to do with that, since he had a history of anger management issues.

This beer will make your life far better than it is, unless you drink to excess and it kills you. It’s like riding a bull in that respect.”