The London Illustration Fair came to a close this Sunday after hosting 69 exhibitors, dozens of workshops and showcasing the work of countless creatives. As well showing a selection of Artist Beer Visions screen prints we also used this as an opportunity to give the screen print series we released for Pick Me Up a bit more air time. It was also a great excuse to release a few more products which included festive tea towels and Christmas jumpers designed by Kristyna Baczynski, a new t-shirt and matching sticker sheet by Tony Riff and a fresh 5 colour screen print release from Hattie Stewart. All new products will be hitting the web store tomorrow (Wednesday 7th December). If you didn’t get a chance to make it down fear not! We’ve compiled this gallery of photos of the highlights across the 4 days.
3rd Rail At The London Illustration Fair In Pictures
- Post author:Rob Burgess
- Post published:December 13, 2016
- Post category:Uncategorized