3rd Rail at Pick Me Up in Pictures

Pick Me up closed its doors last week after welcoming over 17,000 visitors. We loved meeting everyone who stopped by our space and for all those who didn’t manage to catch the show here are a couple of photos taken over the course of the exhibition.

Most of the remaining editions can now be purchased from our web store with the full range available this Friday. To shop the prints, t-shirts, sweats and tote bags please head over to www.3rdrailpresents.co.uk/shop and our Pick Me Up Q&A series will continue over on the 3rd Rail Presents blog from next week if you’d like to more info on the artists we worked with. 


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Read more about the article Pick Me Up Q&A Series: Sean Morris
Sean Morris x 3rd Rail for Pick Me Up t-shirts.

Pick Me Up Q&A Series: Sean Morris

Sean Morris’ characters live in a surreal semi apocalyptic world inspired by bad horror films, here they practice strange rituals often wearing nothing more than a bikini. This combination would normally result in pretty bizarre work however his simple character based line drawings and naive colour palette make for a winning stylistic combo. He’s bringing t-shirts, vest dresses and a brand new 4 colour screen print edition to our exhibition space at Pick Me Up. Want to know more? Read on…


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London Fashion Week AW16 Print Inspiration Highlights

London Fashion Week closes tonight after showcasing over 250 designers and taking an estimated £100m worth of orders. In this post we take a look back over some of our favourite AW16 print inspiration highlights whilst also discussing how they can best be applied to ready made garments.


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Stand Out With Speciality Screen Printing Inks

The new year might have you thinking about fresh collections and ways to push your brand forward. In the busy independent clothing label market sometimes an original design alone is not enough to set you apart, that’s where speciality screen printing inks come in. Here’s a little breakdown of some of the most popular options available here at 3rd Rail.


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New Star Wars Screen Print Competition Launched With Prize Worth Over £300!

A steady buzz has been building around the release of the 7th instalment from the Star Wars franchise since the first trailer popped up the internet back in November 2014. It reached its peak in the form of full blow light sabre mania on 16th December when the European premier hit London’s Leicester Square and judging by the subsequent reviews the hype around The Force Awakens is completely justified. Leading UK newspapers including The Guardian and Telegraph have awarded it 5 stars with film critic Robbie Collin stating that “the magic is back.” Across the Atlantic the weekend saw it smash the North American record for biggest box office debut with sales hitting a staggering $238m and tickets reportedly selling at a rate of 1 per second (insert shocked emoji face here).


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Some Of Our Favourite Independent Brands Let Us In On Their Design Secrets

Screen printing for independent clothing brands really keeps our job interesting. It’s extremely rewarding to see someone progress from a small run of their first design to a full blown collection and we love helping facilitate the growth. You may remember our previous post about 5 Ways To Set Your Streetwear Brand Apart From The Rest but what if you don’t have a brand yet and you’re only just taking the first tentative steps on your design journey? We spoke to some of our customers who have managed to successfully launch their own lines by incorporating screen printed garments and asked them:

 What’s the first thing you do when designing a new garment?


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The 3rd Rail x Malarko T-Shirt Pack Goes On Pre-Sale Plus Win One In Our New Contest!

You may remember our post two weeks ago announcing our collaboration with street artist Malarko to create the second in a series of quarterly limited edition t-shirt packs. The 3rd Rail x Malarko boxes will go on pre-sale on 03/12/15 with general sale set to launch on Monday 14th December. To celebrate we’re giving 15 of the 75 available packs away in a contest.


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Join the Printed Tote Bag Movement

The popularity of the humble cotton tote has been on a steady increase since 2007 when designer Anya Hindmarch teamed up with Sainbury’s in a bid to encourage a more eco friendly approach to carrier bag use. Her canvas ‘I am not a plastic bag’ tote sold out within an hour. The amount of people who actually used their purchase to lug home their weekly shopping is probably close to none (they still retail on Ebay for around £100) but they were instrumental in fuelling the tote movement.


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Announcing 3rd Rail x Malarko

We’re super excited to announce the second in our series of quarterly collaborations in which we’ve teamed up with street artist Malarko to bring you another limited edition t-shirt pack. Bursting with all manner of screen printed goodies the container box even turns into a kitty mask, perfect for when you want to get a bit incognito and wild (while staying above the law of course).


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