Our Kickstarter Has Launched And We’ve Got Some Awesome Artist Designed Rewards!

Our Kickstarter has launched! After raising enough for rent and bills we experienced a shortfall in trying to cover refurbishment costs. With the launch fast approaching we’ve decided run a Kickstarter to raise the additional £10,000 needed to make this print dream a reality.


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3rd Rail Print Space Kickstarter

We’re really excited to announce the launch of 3rd Rail Print Space in January 2018, a brand new 4000sqft open access screen printing facility combining paper, t-shirt and fabric in the heart of Peckham. We’ve got all the equipment but need your help raising £10k to help with with funding the building work so we can turn a car park shell into a sparkling new Print hub. (more…)

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A Quick Q&A With London Illustration Fair Co-Founder Sam Bennett

We’re super excited to announce that we’ll be one of the many studios and creatives exhibiting at this year’s London Illustration Fair. As well as showing our extensive range of limited edition screen prints you can also expect to find t-shirts, sweats, tea towels and exciting new products from artists such as Kristyna Baczynski, Tony Riff and Hattie Stewart.

We’re pretty nosy here at 3rd Rail HQ so decided to quiz Sam Bennett, one of the co-founders of the fair about the origins of the event, what to expect from this year’s edition and all things illustration world.


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How To Prep Your Brand For The Christmas Rush

This year Black Friday falls on 25th November and it will mark the start of the 4 busiest weeks of the year for most retailers. A trend from across the pond which has grown significantly in popularity here in UK since the Credit Crunch is now the biggest day of trade for many stores. The flip side is that shoppers have come to expect discounts and are unlikely to spend much money in the first half of November. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing as it means you still have 3 weeks left to prep so here’s our list of top tricks to get your brand is ready for the Christmas rush.


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How To Use Our Free Neck Label Template

Why should I get neck labels screen printed?

Getting sizing and care information screen printed on the inside neck of a garment rather than ordering woven labels is both cheaper and has a faster turnaround. If you’re not a graphic designer having to get neck labels designed can be an additional expense that you haven’t necessarily budgeted for. In an attempt to make the process more accessible and affordable to people we’ve come up with 6 super easy to use templates to suit a range of different brand styles.


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The AW16 Womenswear Blank Garment Edit

You may have caught our AW16 Menswear blank garment edit in last weeks blog post and this time the ladies are getting the same treatment. We’ve scanned the catwalk looks and compiled a list of our favourite AW16 trends to help get you started on your new collection. We’ve also included some garments from our newest supplier Urban Classics.


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The AW16 Menswear Blank Garment Edit

It’s that time of year again when it’s time to start planning your autumn/winter collection. If you haven’t had a chance to check out what the top designers have been up to or just need some inspiration as a starting point you might find this post useful. We’ve looked back at all the key looks from the menswear AW16 catwalks and compiled a list of our favourite trends along with corresponding blank garments which are perfect for screen printing, embroidery or customisation.


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What Are Screen Printing Minimums and Why Do They Exist?

We love working with small independent fashion labels and individuals as much as global brands which is why we offer much lower minimums than many of our competitors. If you’re new to world of garment printing you may wonder why we have them in place so below are the 3 most frequently asked questions about screen printing minimums.


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Our Top 5 Styles For Summer

Summer is officially here as of yesterday which means the perfect time to start rolling out those final SS16 lines. We’ve had a look at some of the new blank garment styles launched by our suppliers and picked out or favourites.  We would love to screen print on some of these so if you like them as much as we do get in touch and we’ll happily put a quote together.


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A Q&A With New Label Courant

Successfully getting a new clothing label off the ground takes a lot of work. Over the past few months we’ve been helping Franck, creator of Courant get his range of t-shirts screen printed. We thought the designs were really original so decided to find out a little more about them and how he plans to progress his brand.


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